Tuesday 8 December 2009

The 200,000 pound question

We're on this merry-go-round, the Town Council has just over £200,000 in a capital fund, the receipt from the Councils old property in Great Ostry and monies put aside from the tax payer.

Some of the Council want a new council office and meeting area. Another option buying a shop. Some want to spend this capital receipt on a new combined sporting club.

But never a decision.

This evening I called for a report to go to the Town Council, that would include renegotiating a new lease, the costs and terms, with pros and cons for the above options.

My view is, if we can negotiate a long term deal that is favourable, we should use the council receipt on a combined sporting club for the Town.

We need to use the £200K for the benefit of Shepton, but whatever the decision, we need to get on with it.

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