Sunday, 8 September 2013

Must do better

I have somewhat neglected this blog since the May elections, the simple message to myself is that, I must do better.

Since my election to MDC in May, I have been allowed to join the Scrutiny committee. This is a interesting committee and in the three months I have served, several interesting items have been discussed.

The District Council have set up a new licensing arrangement for taxis and the housing strategy for he next three years.

Last week I attended the planning meeting to speak against the proposed use of Hitchen Lane for access for 10 four bedroom development on the disused railway line, my objections were that Hitchen lane is an unsuitable access, this application would landlocked another development opportunity, the development would affect the strawberry way cycle track and there is a breeding colony of slow worms and I was not convinced they would be protected.

The MDC Planning board refused the application.

On Tuesday the Town council recommended refusal for the unwelcome Redrow planning application off the Old Wells Road, it is clear this is opportunistic and speculative.

MDC inability to support a sufficiently large planning application land bank has allowed speculative planning applications to be considered as if the land contained within the emerging local plan, this was used by the planning inspector who works for the Secretary of State, if you were cynical you might say the government wants more building as they have failed to rebalance the economy and the last chance for growth is housing. The government are offering councils little support.

The town council also supported a youth council and appointed Susan Gibbs as the link councillor.

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